qr code generator plugin

    WordPress QR Code Generator

    WordPress QR Code Generator plugin Create QR codes for pages, posts, WooCommerce QR Code, Custom post, order QR Code, order emails, PDF invoices, and more.

    Master QR Generator – WordPress plugin

    Master QR Generator is a QR Code plugin for WordPress. Creating QR codes for pages, posts, products, and custom posts. logo and background image Supported

WordPress plugin development

Why Best our plugins?

Our WordPress plugins are the best because they offer a wide range of features. With our plugins, users can easily manage them without writing any code or hiring a developer.

We also pay close attention to the design, ensuring that it looks great on all devices and browsers. Also, our plugins are highly secure and regular updates help keep it up-to-date and protected against potential threats.

The price of the plugin is lower than any other software company. we believe in providing services to everyone and hence, we price our plugins very reasonably considering all categories.

Why are the plugin prices low?

"Sharabindu" Software Company Mission is WordPress facility for all, our WordPress development team is constantly checking to provide the most advanced service and our managing body is setting the price to deliver that service to the marginal.

Our operating cost is low, marketing cost is absolutely zero. Due to which we can keep the price of Pluign low. As a result, we can deliver Pluign facility to people of all classes, professions, incomes

WordPress plugin Price