Mini Cart for WooCommerce Changelog

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We are always committed to bringing you the best. And recommend to our clients to solve that problem. Check out the Mini Cart for WooCommerce Pro changelog, we’ve updated every version up to this date.


5.0.4 – April 22, 2024

  • Fixed Fixed Qty box issue for sidebar mini cart

5.0.3 – April 19, 2024

  • Fixed Fixed CSS issues for Using Shortcode

5.0.2 – April 8, 2024

  • Fixed Fixing php error on menu cart icon

5.0.1 – February 6, 2024

  • New Added Link behavior for menu cart
  • New Added cart Amount behavior for menu cart
  • New Added background color for footer cart icon
  • New Enable/disable Quantity box

5.0.0 – November 28, 2023

  • New Added live preview for sidebar mnicart customization
  • New Added live preview for footer cart customization
  • New Added live preview for menu cart customization
  • New Added a menu field to menu cart Settings page
  • New Added the total cart amount to the checkout button (Sidebar mini cart)
  • New Added Save values field for cart products (Sidebar mini cart)
  • New Added image field for empty cart page(Sidebar mini cart)
  • New Added icon field for empty cart page (Sidebar mini cart)

4.0.3 – 30 October, 2023

  • Improved The plugin settings page has been Modified

4.0.2 – 9 July, 2023

  • Improved improve plugin settings page loading

4.0.1 – 6 April, 2023

  • Improved compatibility Update

4.0.0 – 23 March, 2023

  • New Can add an image for each coupon and display the sidebar coupon model
  • Improved Can change the shopping cart icon at the top (Sidebar Minicart)
  • Fixed Fixed the Tax amount to the currency issues

3.0.3 – 15 March, 2023

  • New Added a field to the settings page to remove all available coupons

3.0.2 – 7th December, 2022

  • Fixed Fixing the Cart page and Checkout page issues

3.0.1 – 29 November 2022

  • New Added a Shipping Calculator on sidebar minicart
  • New Added Tax information on sidebar minicart
  • New Added Apply the Coupon form on sidebar minicart
  • New Added Product increment/decrement box on sidebar minicart
  • New 42 type of Cart Icons add

2.1.7 – 31 March, 2022

  • New Added Switcher button for Customize Sidebar Auto open

2.1.6 – 4 December, 2021

  • Improved Plugin update based on woocommerce 5.9.0, and WordPress 5.8.2

2.1.5 – 11 September, 2021

  • Fixed Fixing sidebar mini carts in checkout and cart page layout

2.1.3 – 22 August, 2021

  • New Sidebar Mini cart open automatically after a product is carted
  • New Cart items number added in the sidebar
  • New prodct remove icon added on sidebar
  • New Close button added on the sidebar
  • New 10 more cart icons added

2.1.1 – 28 june, 2021

  • New Added product Price and Product title Typography
  • New Added Notification Features on/off option

1.0.4 – Oct 4, 2020

  • New added Notification box
  • Improved Plugin settings page update

1.0.4 – Oct 4, 2020

  • Improved User Can hide the cart button option from the sidebar panel
  • Improved user can Modify all Text of the Sidebar Panel

1.0.2 – April 4, 2020

  • New Integrate Drag and drop cart icon to the menu item (WordPress Menu Page)

1.0.1 – January 25th, 2020

  • New User can turn off Footer cart Icon
  • New User can turn off Footer cart Icon based on page

1.0.0 – December 11, 2019

  • Released Plugin released