Master QR Generator Changelog

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We are always committed to bringing you the best. And recommend to our clients to solve that problem. Check out the Master QR Generator Pro changelog, we’ve updated every version up to this date.


3.0.6 – April 17, 2024

  • New Added field to Elementor addon to adjust center logo image size
  • Improved Improved center logo image size

3.0.5 – February 17, 2024

  • New Added option to customize font size in print header
  • Fixed Fixing for Meta Box of QR Code URL

3.0.4 – February 12, 2024

  • Fixed Fixing Upload logo issue for different post type

3.0.3 – January 14, 2024

  • Improved Update the plugin according to PHP version 8.2

3.0.2 – December 07, 2023

  • Improved Live preview for QR code customization on plugin settings page

3.0.1 – August 17, 2023

  • Improved Compatibility update

2.2.6 – July 11, 2023

  • Improved Improving plugin settings page loading

2.2.5 – April 13, 2023

  • Fixed Fixing Download button Alignment

2.2.4 – November 7, 2022

  • Fixed Fixing JavaScript issues

2.2.3 – 16 June, 2022

  • Fixed Add Print Button for Single QR Code

2.2.3 – 16 June, 2022

  • New QR code added to Dokan Plugin Store page

2.2.2 – 29 May, 2022

  • New QR code added to Dokan Plugin Store page

2.2.1 – 20 April, 2022

  • Fixed Fixing Download Page QR code URL Problem

2.1.5 – 30 December, 2021

  • New The shortcode is created to bulk-print the QR code on the frontend
  • New The shortcode is created to bulk Download the QR code on the frontend

2.1.4 – 29 December, 2021

  • New added logo for the different post type

2.1.3 – 25 September, 2021

  • New added Logo width auto measurement

2.1.1 – 8 August, 2021

  • New Added vCard QR Code Features

2.0.1 – 15 July, 2021

  • New Download QR Button Added on Meta box field
  • New Product Tab text Customize Option

1.0.0 – December 1, 2020

  • Released Plugin released