QR Code Composer Changelog

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We are always committed to bringing you the best. And recommend to our clients to solve that problem. Check out the QR Code Composer Pro changelog, we’ve updated every version up to this date.


5.4.0 – July 02, 2024

  • Fixed Fixing the Order Email QR Code issue and updating the WooCommerce Order Email QR Code

5.3.0 – May 04, 2024

  • New QR Code Visibility: Add an option for the QR code from the frontend will be removed and only the download button will be visible.
  • New Added font size for item titles on QR Print page
  • New Added option to change title position for item title on QR print page
  • New Added a new custom text option at the top of QR on PDF order

5.2.0 – April 30, 2024

  • New Added live preview for order email QR Code customization
  • New Added live preview for order invoice QR Code customization
  • New Changed header and footer order QR Code positions for invoices

5.1.01 – April 22, 2024

  • New Add Checkbox for turn off Order Dasboard QR code
  • Fixed Fixing Order Dasboard QR code visibility

5.0.10 – April 02, 2024

  • Fixed Fixing WooCommerce functions issues

5.0.9 – March 18, 2024

  • New Added compress QR code option for PDF invoice order QR Code

5.0.8 – February 25, 2024

  • New Added compress QR code option for PDF invoice order QR Code

5.0.6 – January 14, 2024

  • Improved Update plugin According php version 8.2

5.0.5 – December 22, 2023

  • Fixed Fixing alignment issues in Short code for Current Page QR

5.0.4 – December 11, 2023

  • New Added vCard Template for bulk vCard Options

5.0.3 – December 10, 2023

  • New Add Bulk vCard QR code list Downlead
  • New Add meta box vCard logo image according to Meta image

5.0.2 – October 11, 2023

  • Fixed Fixed download button alignment for Elementor addon QR Code

5.0.1 – October 8, 2023

  • New Added dot Gradient Color QR code
  • New Added QR code eye shape design
  • New Added QR code eye ball design
  • New Added Order email QR Code
  • New Added Shortcode generator

4.0.5 – September 12, 2023

  • Improved Updated Elementor addon QR Code

4.0.4 – July 26, 2023

  • Improved Updated address format for vCard

4.0.3 – July 20, 2023

  • Improved Faster generating QR codes, improving up to 0.2 seconds

4.0.2 – July 18, 2023

  • Improved QRC Addon Updated for Elementor Page Builder

4.0.1 – April 27, 2023

  • Fixed Fixing Pagination issues of bulk Print page and Downlaod page

4.0.0 – April 10, 2023

  • New Added new QR code dot design
  • New Added line corner of the QR Code
  • New Added QR code margin option
  • New Added QR code error correction level
  • New Integrates QR Code with BBPress plugin
  • New Integrates QR Code with BuddyPress plugin
  • New Integrates QR Code with Dokan plugin – Dokan users can create QR codes for their vendor profile URLs or vCards

3.2.9 – March 3, 2023

  • Fixed Fixing the vCard Metabox Shortcode issues

3.2.5 – 18 November,2022

  • New Hide QR code according to Page

3.2.4 – 30 March, 2022

  • Improved WordPress and WooCommerce compatibilty Update
  • Improved Security Update

3.2.3 – 20 March, 2022

  • Improved Send to Plugin Update Notification to customer

3.2.2 – 14 March, 2022

  • Improved QR background color allows for a transparent background

3.2.1 – 10 December 2021

  • New Shortcode relaesd for QR code Print [qrc-print]
  • New Shortcode relaesd for QR code Download [qrc-download]

3.2.0 – 9 December 2021

  • Fixed Fixing the QR code download button issue

3.1.0 – 28 September, 2021

  • New Added vCard QR Metabox Support based on Post Types

2.2.6 – 9 August, 2021

  • New Added vCard QR for Elementor page builder (QRC addon)

2.2.5 – 3 August, 2021

  • New Added vCard QR code Features

2.2.4 – 23 July, 2021

  • New Added a download button in the QRC widget

2.2.3 – April 27, 2021

  • New Added a field for Changing QR Tab Text of Single Product page

2.2.1 – April 24, 2021

  • New Download QR code image based on post type from Backend View
  • New Bulk Print QR code based on Category

2.1.0 – March 2, 2021

  • New Download QR image from metabox settings

1.7.0 – Oct 8, 2020

  • New Added Elementor addon support (QRC Adon)

1.6.0 – Oct 1, 2020

  • New Added New Desig QR Code

1.5.0 – Sep 23, 2020

  • New Added Center Logo Support for QR code

1.5.0 – Sep 23, 2020

  • New Added Center Logo Support for QR code
  • New Added Custom URL, Custom Text, Number, WhatsApp, and Google Maps location QR Code
  • New Added QR Code Composer Widget API Support
  • New Added QR Code Composer Widget API Support

1.3.0 – July 30, 2020

  • Fixed Fixing QR code print button issues on the bulk Print page

1.2.1 – Oct 22, 2019

  • New Added Qr code bulk Print page based on post type

1.2.0 – June 27, 2019

  • New QR code Download button added for backend and frontend

1.1.0 – April 12, 2019

  • Released Plugin released